Customer Relationship Management

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, and the Customer Management module is part of the CRM built into ERP Sirius. It’s a technology used to manage interactions with customers and potential customers accounts.

Customer Management is an important module where your organisation;

  • builds and manages relationships with potential and active customers accounts.
  • interact and analyse accounts.
  • streamlines processes.
  • increase sales.
  • improve customer service.
  • increase profitability.
  • assisting in customer retention.

As with all other modules in ERP Sirius, our +Mobile and ChimesAI technologies gives your business deep down, real-time information.

Our +Mobile app notifies you of all business activities in your organization. Every module and submodule in ERPSirius has a corresponding module in our +Mobile app. This allows you and your business stakeholders to monitor, analyse, and control business activities.

Sales Order Management

Sales Order management is simply the process of efficiently tracking and fulfilling sales orders. It includes the cycle of people, processes, and suppliers to create a positive customer experience. The order management process starts from when a customer places an order, to keeping track of that order until it is fulfilled.

It also involves keeping a record of the customer – which includes their purchase history, payment method, and volume of orders. Sales departments give notification to the warehouse to fulfil the order, and the order is then shipped to the customer.

Although this process seems straightforward, it is actually rather complex because it involves different departments and people to get a purchase order moved into sales, then delivered/end of the sale. In ERPSirius this complexity is reduced due to the seamless integration of all EPRSirius modules. For example,  an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) is an asynchronous outbound service operation that can be used to notify your customers that a sales order has been shipped.

Customer Sales Document Management

Sales documents in ERP Sirius are all documents relating to a sale of products or services within your business. Sales documents are part of customer information and these include;

  • Sales Invoices.
  • Sales Payments Receipts
  • Credit Notes.

Financial and operational information on all sales documents are visible and linked to other modules in ERP Sirius.