ERP Sirius is designed to be secure, the final executable file is compiled into native binary. ERP Sirius inbuilt protectors to keep an attacker from directly inspecting or modifying a compiled application. The protector is like a shield that keeps an application encrypted and protected against possible attacks. Before ERP Sirius is run by the operating system, the protector will first take control of the CPU and check for possible cracking tools (dissemblers or de-compilers) that may be running on the system. If everything is safe the software protector will proceed to decrypting the protected application and giving it the control of the CPU to be executed as normal.

  • ERP Sirius databases are secure and encrypted. The purpose of encryption is to protect data from being deciphered by unauthorized viewers or users. Only ERPSirius and its mobile applications can read the data on the database.
  • #ChimeAI framework provides “distributed protection” on all vital transactions.
  • Being non-web browser-dependent does away with all “web browser security issues”

See the Take a Tour page and Secure Technologies section.